Monday, 14 September 2009

Afghanistan - Stick In or Pull Out?

The loony lefties and do-gooders are at it again. They want British forces out of Afghanistan and I’d like to know why.
I think most of them have forgotten the event that propelled our troops into action. No matter what you think of the USA or how they act, the events that occurred on September 11th of 2001 were shocking, cruel and deliberate. The animals that were behind this outrage openly admitted their involvement and were seen across the world celebrating the deaths of 3000 innocent civilians in video clips, in newspapers, on TV and across the internet. Mr. Bin Laden and his Taliban cronies were jumping for joy.
The USA could not possibly sit and do nothing. Anyone that had the slightest understanding of the way the modern political world functioned knew that. If the British sat on the sidelines and let our US allies go it alone we could forget about asking for US military assistance in the future should we need it. But that wasn’t the only reason the UK sent in its troops. This terrorist scandal was so outrageous that the vast majority of UK citizens were more than happy to commit our armed forces to fighting the Taliban whether they valued our special relationship with the USA or not. Unlike the 2003 Iraq debacle, this was a cause worth fighting for. Now all of a sudden, in 2009, the cause is becoming forgotten. Loony lefties hear the UK death toll figures rising and send up the white flags. I shudder to think how we could have coped in 1939 if we were so feeble minded.
The attacks in London that left 56 people dead and 700 injured were planned in Afghanistan. Some may argue that the attack was a direct result of Britain’s involvement in the military operation in Afghanistan. That may or may not be true. But what do these limp wristed voters actually want us to do? If it was good enough to send in our troops in 2001 then why is it any different now? The enemy is still the same, the planned terrorist atrocities continue and Bin Laden is still out there. Could you even contemplate what would happen if all allied forces went home from Afghanistan? The Taliban would be back in the driving seat within months (if not weeks), the west would be a laughing stock and countless trained fighters would be heading for Iraq to cause more death and destruction. Afghanistan’s terrorist training camps would have to start charging tuition fees to keep applicant numbers down.
Nobody understands the war in Afghanistan more than our own armed forces. How often do you hear our boys in the Afghan trenches saying they are fighting for an unworthy cause? Almost every one of them knows and understands the reason they are there and what they are fighting for. I’ll bet they would love a bus full of the UK loony left to accompany them on their next outing across Helmand Province. I’ll help pack their bags.


Anonymous said...

Afghanistan is being used to give the supposed "War on terror" a physical front line. Draw the terrorists into Afghanistan, and sacrifice UK soldier lives in the hope that it keeps the streets of the UK free from more atrocities such as the London tube bombings.

Consumption is another factor. Controlling corporations need wars to create the demand for the multi-billion pounds weapons industry.

Certain individuals increase their wealth, and the population pays for it with their taxes and loss of sons and daughters.

History repeating itself through manipulation.

Anonymous said...

So when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour, the US joined the war to create a "physical front line"?

Osama Bin Laden and his Taliban friends attacked the USA killing 3000 innocent people. Unless that was just fiction, I think an attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan was entirely justified.

Your opinion seems slightly far fetched. Do you honestly think wars are fought to keep weapons companies in profit?

..."BAE Systems have just reported a drop in profits. Quick, invade Iran"...