Thursday, 24 September 2009
Dying With Dignity. The Right To Die.
Do i have regrets? Not one bit, she had been my friend, companion and protector for 8 years, yes i miss her being around, i miss her company and i miss her funny ways but the thought of keeping her alive for my own sake would have been wrong. Her quality of life had gone and she deserved far better.She was in no pain but without quality of life we have nothing. So why does the same not apply to humans?
If dogs, cats, hamsters, mice and even goldfish have the right to die with dignity, why not humans? Death is one thing we are all sure of, it comes to us all, why, why ,why if we are suffering, quality of life has gone can we just not just go with dignity. In our own homes or a place of our choice with our loved ones around us.
Yes i know everyone is different, some people want to grasp every single moment, no matter how ill they are, whether this is because they still value what has become of them, religion or fear of death, they fight to stay alive. But others just come to a point where enough is enough and are ready to go. They should be able to, without fear and with guidance.
Also it should not just apply to terminal illness, if quality of life has gone in whatever form then we should be able to decide for ourselves to end it in a safe controlled way.
Trident - Do we want it or not?
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
My Favourite Meal
Shepherds Pie
450g (1lb) Minced Lamb or Beef
450-675g (1-1½lb) Mashed Potatoes
285ml (½ pint) Stock, Oxo does me.
1 Onion
1 Large Carrot (Optional)
Salt and Black Pepper
Pre-heat oven to 180°C: 350°F: Gas 4.
Finely chop the onion and dice the carrot, if used. Or son will not eat it.
Fry minced meat until lightly coloured and remove from the pan and drain well. Add the onion and carrot, cooking gently until the onion is transparent and season to taste. Return the meat, add the stock. Add a little cornflour mixed with a few drops of water, stirring well. Bring to the boil and stir until thickened. Transfer the mixture into a casserole dish. Cover the mixture with an even layer of mashed potato. Cover and bake for 30 - 40 minutes. Then remove lid and cook until top golden or you can grill.
Manchester Tart
600ml (1 pint) Milk 110g
(4oz) Shortcrust Pastry
3 tbsp Raspberry Jam
3 tbsp Custard Powder
2-3 tbsp Desiccated Coconut
2 tbsp Sugar
Pre-heat oven to 200°C; 400°F: Gas 6.
Roll out the dough and line a baking dish. Blind bake (prick with fork and place a piece of greaseproof paper with some baking beans on pastry). Bake for 15 minutes. Allow to cool. Spread the jam over the pastry base, sprinkle with coconut. Boil the milk and whisk into the sugar and custard powder (follow manufacturers instructions). Or if you are bothered make your own. Pour into the pastry case. Sprinkle with coconut. Hide so you dont have to share.
Eat cold.
Monday, 14 September 2009
My Favourite Gadget
It is so simple to use, slice the top off your pineapple, press the slicer into the fruit and turn like a corkscrew, out comes the fruit, no waste just juicy mouthwatering pineapple. This is quicker than opening a can. It comes with 3 adaptors for different sized fruit.
Afghanistan - Stick In or Pull Out?
I think most of them have forgotten the event that propelled our troops into action. No matter what you think of the USA or how they act, the events that occurred on September 11th of 2001 were shocking, cruel and deliberate. The animals that were behind this outrage openly admitted their involvement and were seen across the world celebrating the deaths of 3000 innocent civilians in video clips, in newspapers, on TV and across the internet. Mr. Bin Laden and his Taliban cronies were jumping for joy.
The USA could not possibly sit and do nothing. Anyone that had the slightest understanding of the way the modern political world functioned knew that. If the British sat on the sidelines and let our US allies go it alone we could forget about asking for US military assistance in the future should we need it. But that wasn’t the only reason the UK sent in its troops. This terrorist scandal was so outrageous that the vast majority of UK citizens were more than happy to commit our armed forces to fighting the Taliban whether they valued our special relationship with the USA or not. Unlike the 2003 Iraq debacle, this was a cause worth fighting for. Now all of a sudden, in 2009, the cause is becoming forgotten. Loony lefties hear the UK death toll figures rising and send up the white flags. I shudder to think how we could have coped in 1939 if we were so feeble minded.
The attacks in London that left 56 people dead and 700 injured were planned in Afghanistan. Some may argue that the attack was a direct result of Britain’s involvement in the military operation in Afghanistan. That may or may not be true. But what do these limp wristed voters actually want us to do? If it was good enough to send in our troops in 2001 then why is it any different now? The enemy is still the same, the planned terrorist atrocities continue and Bin Laden is still out there. Could you even contemplate what would happen if all allied forces went home from Afghanistan? The Taliban would be back in the driving seat within months (if not weeks), the west would be a laughing stock and countless trained fighters would be heading for Iraq to cause more death and destruction. Afghanistan’s terrorist training camps would have to start charging tuition fees to keep applicant numbers down.
Nobody understands the war in Afghanistan more than our own armed forces. How often do you hear our boys in the Afghan trenches saying they are fighting for an unworthy cause? Almost every one of them knows and understands the reason they are there and what they are fighting for. I’ll bet they would love a bus full of the UK loony left to accompany them on their next outing across Helmand Province. I’ll help pack their bags.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Organ Donation, Should We Opt in or Out?
Over 4000 people a year fail to get transplants because of the shortage of organs.
It is a terrible thought to lose a loved one, awful to even think about but what would you do if asked the question by the Doctor "can we have the organs" would you feel better knowing your loved one had a card? Or what if it was yourself? Would you want to leave the decision up to your nearest and dearest.
One donor can donate heart, lungs, two kidneys, pancreas, liver and small bowel, also you could help save two peoples eye sight.
You can also turn the tables and ask how it must feel knowing your loved one needs a transplant and will die without.
So if not enough people opt in then why not have an opt out system? you carry a card to say no i dont want to be a donor. Simple.
People tragically do die young, a perfect way to die would be after a long life, a good night out, the best sex ever and fast asleep in the arms of your lover, but lifes not like that.
Decide what you would do today, dont leave it too late, it is so easy to register, you can do it online right now.
Now shall i ask? Are you a blood donor?
Are Golliwogs Really Racist
After several recent stories in the press i wanted to have my say about this subject and Gollies in general. The original spelling was Golliwogg, the second G was later dropped, they are in the main known as Gollies, due it is thought because of the w o g connotations,
The first we know of Golly was when a lady called Bertha Upton and Daughter Florence illustrated 12 childrens books telling stories of Golly and his adventures, this is how the Golliwog doll came about, hand made by grandmothers from rags found around the home. The most desirable mass produced dolls were made in Germany by Steiff. As well as the books by the Uptons, Golly is also featured in several books by Enid Blyton, this helped Golly become a very popular character.
In the early 1900s John Robertson on a trip to North America first saw young children playing with rag dolls, this gave him the idea to use the Golliwog as the company trademark and mascot. The Golly was first shown on jam jar labels in 1910. The mascot became so popular that the enamel Golly broach was produced in 1928, the first being the Golly Golfer.
The scheme was halted during the war because all metal was needed but it resumed again in 1946.
How did the scheme work? Well on each jar of Robertsons Marmalade or Jam there was a token, you collected the tokens and when you had enough you sent them off the the jam factory in Droylsden, Manchester and in return you got a Golly pin badge. Since the start over 20 million badges were sent out. In 2002 Golly was retired from the jam jars and replaced with Roald Dahl badges which were no where near as popular.
So why was Golly "retired" it is said that Golly was no longer politically correct, London Council had told Robertsons they would no longer use their jams in schools unless Golly was removed, this was just the start, Robertsons themselves say children no longer had the same interest and so they felt change was needed.
In the years of the badges from Robertsons lots of different sets were released, Golfers, Doctors, Policemen, Astronauts, Farmers, Sportsmen, Fruits, in fact you name it and a badge was made. Some were produced for charity, such as Cystic Fibrosis and Leukaemia. Others were made to celebrate special occasions such as the Olympics or the Moon Landings.
Lots of the badge sets were mass produced but quite a few were limited editions of 50 which makes them very rare and have been known to bring prices up to £5000 in auction. If you would like to know more about the badges please take a look at Liz Priggs Golly Corner Website.
As well as badges, toys and books we also have Silver Crane who made lots of tableware items such as Golly Toastracks, Teapots, Mugs, Plates, Dishes, Salt and Pepper Pots, Egg Cups and Butter and Cheese Dishes, these are no longer made and have also become very collectable.
Finally we have Carltonware Gollies, their first set was the Golly Bandstand which featured a collection of Gollies playing instruments, these stand approx 4 inches tall, they then produced other sets of the same size depicting similar figures to the badges, all are limited editions and very collectable. The latest from Carltonware are the 9 inch figures, the rarest of these being the Golly Guitarist.
Yes i am a Golly nut, i have over 400 badges, my favourites being my pre-war fruits because they were my nans, so bring back fond memories, i also have some Silver Crane pieces and the whole collection of Carltonware.
So get your granny to search her drawers, she could be worth a fortune.
Is the Golliwog racist or just a friendly little chap?
Thursday, 10 September 2009
The Best Decade Was The 1970s
Why do i think the 1970s was the best decade, well simple really, they were the best years of my life, yes parts of it were tough, it was the decade of the strikes after all, but when we think back we mostly remember the good times, the bad fade away. These were the days before credit, if you wanted, well usually needed something new, you worked until the money was saved to pay in cash. The world really was a better place back there in my memory.
They were innocent times, growing up was fun, we had real summers that lasted all through the school holidays, spending hours looking for tadpoles so i could grow my very own frog, searching trees for caterpillers, swimming at the outdoor baths, shooting everything with my spud gun, making our own go-carts, we were street kids and loved every moment of the adventure we lived. The rag and bone man, the coal man and searching everywhere for Corona bottles so we could claim the deposits. Scrumping and playing nick knock.
Simple things would mean so much.
Flared trousers, kipper ties, hot pants ( mine were pink ) and made out of crimplene, american tan tights, bellbottom trousers, cheesecloth shirts, halter neck tops, patches, these were pieces of material we would sew all over our clothes and thought we looked wonderful, punk clothing also came in around this time and was lots of leather, tartan, shains and safety pins. tank tops, and thanks to the Bay City Rollers we all had to wear some tartan, trousers, jackets, socks and scaves. Wide collared shirts, like Harry Hill still wears. How did i almost forget the footwear, has to be the ankle breaking platform shoes.
Without doubt only one comes to mind. The Ford Capri, sexy and sleek. You had really made it if your family had one.
Top of the Pops was huge in those days, it was the nearest most of us got to our idols, the music has never been so good, The Osmonds, David Essex, Queen, Blondie, Wizzard, T Rex, i cried when he died. Bay City Rollers, David Cassidy, The Jackson Five, Slade especially at Christmas, the list is endless. Rushing home on Sunday nights to tape the Top Twenty off the radio. Once a week going to the local disco dressed in our tartan and doing The Bump.
Food Drink Sweets
70s sweets were fantastic, not as much choice as today but better, Milk Tray Bar, Toffee Buttons, Spangles, Salt and Shake Crisps, Burtons Puffs, Nuttals Mintoes, Mighty Imps, Tiger Tots, Teddy Tots, Pacers, Strawberry Aero, Super Mousse, Toffee Cup.
Party drinks for the ladies would be Babycham or Blue Nun and Party Seven for the men, party food had to be prawn cocktail, pineapple on sticks, sausages on sticks, sherry trifle, tinned fruit cocktail with carnation milk, sausage rolls.
TV Programs
Not so many channels and no video or many other gadgets, but TV was great, Magpie or Blue Peter ( never both) The Waltons, The Beverley Hillbillies, Little House on the Prairie, Starsky and Hutch, Kojak, he started a lollipop craze, Columbo, On the Buses, Alf Garnett, Love Thy Neighbour. Play School, Magic Roundabout, Swapshop, Tizwas, Its a Knockout, im sure you can think of many more.
Toys and Games
Clackers, these were banned because they were breaking childrens wrists, but still great fun. Tiny Tears Dolls, Action Man, Shaker Maker, Painting by Numbers, Chopper Bikes ( mine was blue ) Airfix Kits, Meccano, Etch a Sketch, Evil Knievel, Gollywogs, Compendium of Games, Enid Blyton Books.
So we had The Queens Jubilee, Marc Bolan died, a sugar ration, power cuts, school dinners cost 10p, i had my first........ kiss and i made some of the best friends in my whole life.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Obesity in the UK
People are overweight because they eat too much and fail to then burn it off, 500 extra calories per day = 1 pound weight gain per week, thats almost 4 stone in one year.
But even more worrying is what is happening to our children, babies are not born obese, but it very quickly happens, they are being fed this food by parents, parents who have no time, parents who think convenience food is cheaper or easier, but is it really, we are killing our own children because we are too selfish and or lazy to do anything about it.
Years ago when times were different, we had at least one good meal a day, money in most homes was tight so treats were few and far between, if you didnt eat your meal you went hungry, this didnt happen often because meals were tasty and nutricious, convenience food was rare. Going for a chippy was a treat, but the biggest difference apart from the kind of food we eat is our lifestyles.
In the past we all got more exercise, adults and children, a lot more people worked manual jobs, even around the home, washing and cleaning was far more physical without all the mod cons we now have, children felt safe to walk to school and back, they also played out for hours on end, using up so much energy, now they are overweight console playing cabbages. They hate healthy food because they are a shock to their tastebuds.
Parents pamper them in this because it gives them an easy life.
We are feeding our children to death.
England Has Too Many People
Population increase can be caused by a number of things: increased longevity, higher birth rates and immigration. But that’s not my point. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, we’ve got to stop it sooner or later. This small plot of land can only handle so many people. Our roads are choked solid every day and trying to walk the streets in a busy city is harder than an SAS assault course.
When is the last time you were alone? I mean REALLY alone, with nobody else in sight. No cars, no people walking dogs, no voices, no sounds of civilisation. Under your duvet at night doesn’t count. I’m talking about open spaces. Exactly, they don’t exist anymore. The last time I experienced that situation was in the western isles of Scotland in the middle of a 16 mile walk through forest. That’s a few hours out of my entire life that I have truly been alone. Of course you might not like the thought of being alone. But it’s nice to have the option.
I recently visited Iceland. The country has roughly the same land area as the UK but its population is 300,000. That’s right, 300,000 people. And most of those are living around the capital city of Reykjavik. They’ve got everything they need… beautiful scenery, clean air, empty roads, unpolluted water and virtually no crime. Last year I was in Norway. They have a population of 4 million in a large land area and it’s the same story as Iceland (clean air, empty roads, low crime etc).
All this government can see are the supposed economic benefits of a large population. Yes, we need more workers to pay taxes to contribute towards our pension shortfall but those workers will also get old one day and we’ll have to invite yet more people into this place to cater for them and so on.
You’ve got to call a halt sometime so I say do it now. Shut the doors, encourage responsible family sizes and improve quality of life.
And before you tell me to stop complaining and b*gger off to Iceland, I may do just that when my circumstances allow.
Monday, 7 September 2009
More Cutbacks for the Elderly
More Cutbacks for the Elderly
Sheltered and warden controlled elderly flats are now losing their live in wardens/overnight support and instead will have offsite answering services. The councils say this is due to the 11 hour working directive more info can be found on the 11 hour directive here.
Many councils state that it would be too expensive to have wake night cover in sheltered housing, So really it’s not just about the 11 hour directive it all boils down to money and budgets, Are our elderly worth so little?
Is it safe to leave vulnerable people at the mercy of an out of hours answer center, with wardens/staff onsite help can arrive in minutes and it is not just that, when you are frightened or worried you need someone familiar, not an automated reply from a stranger, what if there are lots of calls? How does the call center decide on urgency? They don`t know these people or their ailments.
Panarama ran a programme on this called Gimme Shelter you can watch it below
The councils have this wonderful idea on supported housing 'a home for life', with social services cutbacks there are very few residential care places for the most vulnerable/unable. Many people also don`t want to live in residential care, they want their own home, their own front door, privacy and dignity which is their right!.
So what do we do? These are people that have worked all of their lives, whether it be in a paid job or bringing up their children, looking after grandchildren and parents. A lot of these people have fought for our country and helped with the war effort, lived through the blitz and extremely hard times.
Are our elderly just fit for the scrap heap and second rate services? Or are they worth far more, the councils don`t seem to think so.
Will it take a tragedy before they have a rethink? I do hope not.
Why I don't like Supermarkets.
Supermarkets have huge power over the food we eat at every step between the farm and the factory to our tables. Tesco is now dominating food retail in Eastern Europe and is making its way into India, China and the U.S.
I know you will say that there is a lot to like about supermarkets such as convenience - you can whizz round with your trolley, you can compare prices, you can shop at all hours including Sundays. You can buy products out of season from all over the world.
The giant leap in supermarket popularity came in the 1980s. They drained the little shops of business. Gone are most of the butcher's shops and the small bakeries. My father-in-law used to have a butcher's shop. His customers came several times a week and if they had to wait he would include them in the conversation he was having with his current customer so that everyone got to know everyone else and this help build a community in its own small way. He knew just what sort of meat they would like and how much they could afford to pay.
An uncle had a small bakery. He, too, knew his customers individually and delivered bread and cakes out to them. All that is gone now, even the milkman is struggling to make a living because of supermarket competition.
For suppliers, 2/3 have been asked to enter into an exclusive supply arrangement where they are not allowed to supply any one else. So that all their eggs are in one basket. Most suppliers feel they have little or no control over the price they are paid. Most suppliers have seen their profits go down because of competition from overseas suppliers. They are also often asked to contribute to the supermarkets marketing costs and feel they have to agree. Sometimes they have to pay to keep the product on the shelf or offer rebates for unsold stock. Sometimes they are told the price the supermarket would pay was to be reduced but were not told this until the goods were about to be delivered.
What about food waste? The Soil Association estimate that supermarkets reject 40% of fruit and vegetables just on cosmetic grounds. What a waste! Apples, for instance, are scanned by a computer and checked for natural blemishes before they can go on sale. produced is bagged and barcoded before being put on sale because it is easier to track them then. For all this, though, you will often see tired-looking vegetables and fruit in supermarkets. Incidently, don't believe the offers you see about discounts on fruit and vegetables in supermarkets. Because they are perishable, they are exempt from the 28 day legislation that other products have to abide by and it often means that the price was inflated the previous day so that it could be lowered and shown as an "offer".
Much of the fish in supermarkets is a bit tired. Supermarkets introduced fresh fish counters as (in the words of Sir Ken Morrison" a) a little bit of theatre. This led to fishmongers shops closing all over the country. Let's look at meat. Supermarkets think that the public want bright red meat. Any real butcher will tell you that hanging and ageing meat will enhance the flavour and is crucial to the taste but in supermarkets this is kept to a minimum. Many supermarkets import meat from South America!
So-called supermarket in-store bakeries are simply reheating dough. The bread is stuffed with preservatives.
The supermarkets' use of road transport is huge and you just have to look at any motorway to see how many supermarket trucks and lorries are on the roads.
I haven't even mentioned the "best before" date con or the "use by" sell by " fiasco and the devastating effect on the farming industry.
Staying in the Lake District we came upon Booths which is a supermarket chain based in Preston. It doesn't attempt to copy the big supermarkets and doesn't compete on price but it uses local suppliers for everything from local beers to dairy products, vegetables and bread.
If only all supermarkets were like this we wouldn't really need to worry quite as much.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Steroids - Miracle or Menace
Prednisalone is mainly prescribed to treat severe Asthma, but it is used to treat many diseases, it was anounced on the news many years ago that a miracle cure had been found for Asthma, IT IS NO CURE, but is it a miracle? or a menace?
What is Asthma? and how do Steroids help? Asthma is a reaction by the body to irritants, infections or stress, parts of the Asthmatics airways and lungs become inflamed causing them to swell making it hard to breathe. Scientists found out that "normal people" produce something called Cortisol, this protects humans from inflamation, people with Asthma dont have enough so have no protection. Place a cushion over your face and breathe through it, this is how Asthma feels. Steroids help because they artificially replace the missing Cortisol and so help the patient recover.
So you may ask "whats the problem?" the problem are the side effects, the main one you may know about is the weight gain, in the past it has given people an excuse, "im on Steroids and that is why i have a weight problem", Steroids give the patient an increased appitite, not weight gain, it takes 3500 calories to put on 1 pound of weight, we eat these calories, so lots of patients had very serious weight problems because they were not monitored closely enough, these days doctors are far more aware and will help with dietry advice for healthy eating while on long term Steroids. Other side effects are, diabetes, increased hair growth, a feeling of euphria in some people and mood swings in others, thinning of the skin, easier to bruise, upset tummy, cataracts, fluid retention, facial mooning, thinning of the bones and many more, one which can be life threatening is that patients have an increased chance of infections.
These are 3 cases i personally know about and the effect of steroid treatment,
Case 1, A child was given a 7 day course of steriods, the child died because she caught chicken pox, but because she was on Steroids the effects didnt show ( no spots) her immune system had been dampened down by the Steriods and she was unable to fight the chicken pox.
Case 2, An elderly lady with breathing problems and chest infection was given a 7 day course of steroids, the lady is bi-polar, by the end of the week the Steroids had induced a manic bi-polar episode from which she has never recovered.
Case 3, A woman in her 20s was given a course of Steroids to help with severe asthma, this course went un-monitored for over 10 years, side effects caused, vast weight gain, bouts of diabetes, mood swings, leg ulcers, skin thinning.
So when we ask Steroids, miracle or menace, without doubt i say MIRACLE, why? because you also have to ask about the thousands of people who have taken steroids, how would they be without them? how many people would have died during an asthma attack. Also the countless other diseases, would those patients have recovered without them.
There are 3 ways steroids may be given for Asthma
Inhaler - carry no side effects,
Oral - side effects as stated above
Injection - if given too fast can burst blood vessels in the brain, this feels like pins and needles in your head.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Battery farming and cheap chicken for all
Okay, so battery hens have short lives (often only about 42 days) and their conditions are a bit miserable but they have a good conversion rate i.e the proportion of feed they eat to the meat they produce. This means that chicken is cheap to buy and in plentiful supply.
It means that families can eat healthily even on the lowest budget. It means that we don't need to feed our children on cholesterol filled meat, burgers and junk food because we can provide a healthy diet for them. When we are talking about the welfare of people and the welfare of chickens there is really no contest!
The idea that we should all eat free range chicken is a nonsense. It would take an area the size of the Lake District to be devoted to chicken farming and nothing else! Free-range chicken campaigners should face facts - it just wouldn't work! ( Unless everyone cares to rear chickens in their back gardens!)We need battery farming to feed the nation. No one would want to go back to the old days when the only time you could afford a chicken was at Christmas, if you were lucky.
The same applies to eggs. We need to produce eggs by battery hens if everyone is to be able to afford them and if they are to continue in plentiful supply. Nutitionally, battery-raised eggs aren't much different to free range or organically produced eggs.
So I would say to the "fluffy bunny" brigade who love to be so sentimental about animals that low cost meat is necessary. We farmers have to face facts. We can't afford to be sentimental about the animals we rear or you would all starve!! Farming is a business like any other. The days of having a few hens scratching round a farmyard are long gone.
Face facts, we are running out of fish so we need fish farming, we haven't enough room for free range hens so we need battery farming. Fish, hens and eggs are good, healthy staple food.
Some of the celebrity chefs, such as Jamie Oliver try their best to tell us that organic free range chicken actually tastes better.
Well, here is a recipe we have at home a lot. Try it with a battery chicken - one of Tesco's special offer cheapest - and try it with a really expensive free range organic chicken and you won't be able to tell the difference.
If you are trying to save money on the housekeeping or have very little in the store cupboard try a website called "Not Beans Again" where you just key in your ingredients and they produce a recipe for you.
So, have I changed your mind? What do YOU think?
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
2p Fuel Duty Increase
What gets me is that last time unleaded went over £1 per litre, people went mad, forming road blocks at oil refineries, etc and putting on the pressure to reduce petrol prices. This seemed to work but now we are over the £1 mark again, nobody seems too bothered.
One of our friends owns a medium sized haulage company and for every penny increase in fuel, their annual diesel bill is £20,000 more! Last time we spoke, Alan was saying that he may have to let some staff go, all because of increasing fuel bills. I read online that Millfield Haulage Ltd, who are based in York will have an extra £100,000 on their fuel bill due to the 2p rise in duty alone! ( As far as I can see, this is just going to lead to more unemployment and how can that ever be a good thing?!
I know that crude oil isn’t going to last forever and therefore fuel prices are going to keep going up but why on earth does the government have to take so much in tax (approx 65p per litre)?
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
The end of Big Brother say Channel 4
Series 1 was won by Craig Phillips who gave away his prize money to pay for a friends heart transplant, he now does what he knows best DIY and is currently on ITV 60 minute makeover. Who will ever forget Jade Goody? and not always for the right reasons, but even now writing about her she brings a smile. We would all ask " are people really so simple?" the answer is yes, there is a Jade in everyones life to some degree. She is no longer with us was a huge Big Brother contestant and she never even won, the show that year was won by Kate Lawler.
We also have Brian Dowling, lovely Irish Brian, but my favourite winner of the 10 years by a mile was Nadia, she won series 5, wonderful screaming in the diary room for cigarettes. Each series has had twists and turns, people you love, people you hate, Friday night evictions and all the drama of the crowd.
So love it or hate it everyone knows it, it has been a talking point in millions of people lives over the years, but no more, Channel 4 say viewers are bored of it and it has reached a natural end. What do you think?
There will be 1 more Celebrity Big Brother early next year.
Davina McCall said last May that she thought this year would be the end and on Twitter this week said she spent the day she got the news in tears, but she says she will spend 24 hours as a housemate before the final end.
NHS recently debated in America
Daniel Hannan said that the NHS was a failed 60 year experiment. One of my best reads was 'The Welfare State We're In by James Bartholomew' avaliable on Amazon, every tax payer should buy it and have a greater understanding of how it is claimed within that the NHS is equal to a 'Train crash every day' in the number of avoidable fatalities.I love seeing books on sale which tell nothing but truth and have some of the most appalling reviews in Amazon - people should ensure that they prove either employment status or non - civil servant status before they are allowed to comment.
On the radio earlier a middle aged woman came on to defend the NHS due to her great experience with a hip operation. Her 5 minutes of radio fame came straight after a gentleman who was still very distressed that his wife has died through the lack of care within the hospital wards. Completely without any shame she just said that she was sorry for the gentleman's bad experience but it would have been a 'one off' and he should not run down a great british institution.
How can people just write off other people's life as is they are a mere inconvience to the point of view they are trying to push 'Look mate - sorry your wife is dead - but if she went in for a hip operation she would have got tea and biscuits'
I would much rather have an awful experience with a hip operation / ingrown toenail and live to moan about it.
I dont blame America for trying to stop the introduction of national health care. If America can have a paid / opt in scheme as they do and offer the good service that they do AND make money for their private shareholders then the NHS is doing something seriously wrong.
Would I care if there was a two tier system in this country that gave the best care to the people that paid into the system and basic emergency cover to those who give nothing but take everything ? No I would not. The NHS waiting lists are long, the appointments are rushed and the same care is given to all. I would rejoice in a system whereby I knew that people ahead of me on the waiting list where not people who hadnt done a day's work in their lives.
British workers should be able to opt out of the NHS and instead pay their national insurance into private healthcare.